Hawkesbury Afloat

Houseboat Map

Use our Houseboat map to help you plan your holiday. You can also use the suggested 3 Day Itinerary for a great weekend break.

Important Notice to All Hirers

  • You are not permitted to take the Houseboat into "Sandbrook Inlet" (also known as the "Gut")
  • On your return you are to wait at the pre-arranged Pick-up/Drop-off area, which is located 50 metres east of the Road Bridge (between the Road Bridges and the Railway Bridge). Be careful that you do not drift towards the shore or shallow waters.
  • Your pick-up time is pre-arranged. If you wish to return earlier then you need to phone Brooklyn Marina well in advance and wait patiently to be picked up and escorted to the Marina.
  • Thank you for your cooperation.